The KBK Group engages in management that constantly aims to enhance corporate value by gaining further trust from all stakeholders including shareholders and investors. We recognize that enhancing management soundness through compliance with laws and conducting fair and highly transparent corporate activities are the ways to fulfill corporate social responsibility and enhance corporate social trust. Accordingly, the KBK Group, while regarding the establishment of corporate governance as a key priority, works to enhance the function of the Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee, as well as strengthen the risk management system, increase awareness of compliance, and enhance the IR function.
KBK works to realize effective corporate governance by appropriately implementing the following basic policies.
We consider that KBK’s current system of corporate governance, with the establishment of a Board of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee, is appropriate and reasonable from substantive perspectives including KBK’s scale and the nature of its business. We have introduced an executive officer system, and are endeavoring to strengthen the operation of various functional committees, primarily the Governance Committee, with an awareness of the guidance given in the Companies Act and Corporate Governance Code regarding strengthening the supervisory and audit functions. In addition, we have established a Nomination Committee and Compensation Committee, each composed of a majority of Outside Directors, as discretionary advisory bodies under the Board of Directors, in order to strengthen the functional independence, objectivity and accountability of the Board of Directors on matters such as officers’ nomination and compensation. The committees respond to the Board of Directors on matters concerning nomination and compensation.