The KBK Group’s corporate philosophy of “personnel, technology and confidence” was established in 1987, the 40th anniversary of KBK’s founding. These words have inspired the Group’s officers and employees to strive for the Group’s businesses for more than 30 years, and we regard them as a universal concept.
Our medium-term management plan “KBK Plus-One 2025” is a continuation of the management vision of the previous medium-term management plan, “KBK Breakthrough 2023,” “to be a corporate group that can provide society with +1 (plus one),” while at the same time adding new initiatives to enhance corporate value. In this context, we have established the following three key initiatives.
There is a growing awareness of reform among industries, due to the establishment by governments around the world of specific targets and schedules to address global warming and environmental destruction.
At the KBK Group, we have continued to respond accurately to trends in industrial infrastructure investment for more than half a century since Japan’s period of high economic growth. We will leverage the experience, insight and networks developed during that time to provide new solutions to realize a sustainable society.
There is no change in our management awareness of the cost of capital, or our policy of targeting an ROE of 8% or higher. However, we will raise shareholder value by more actively and continually returning profits to shareholders, in line with greater capital efficiency and a heightened focus on the interests of shareholders.
It is a well-known fact that a trading company’s main assets are its people. We regard personnel who can respond flexibly to dramatically-changing social conditions and business environments, and the development of the younger generation who will sustain the Group’s future 50 or 100 years into the future, as the core of our business activities. We are renewing our focus on these areas.